


發(fā)布人:http://m.hwzxw.net   發(fā)布時間:2020-03-03 17:35:45


  Ventilation ducts can be seen everywhere, whether in our offices or in some public buildings. Before the installation of ventilation pipes, the specific design shall be carried out according to the specific building structure. Whether the design of the ventilation pipe is detailed and reasonable will directly affect the difficulty and quality of the installation of the ventilation pipe.


  1、 Aesthetics: This is a technical problem, which needs the engineering team of ventilation pipes to design, construct and perfect!


  2. Reasonable: the objectivity of the problem is reasonable as long as the customer can meet the requirements without violating the relevant standards.



  3、 Materials: as long as it can meet the requirements of the project, nothing is a problem. We can replace a kind of material, such as canvas, with quite a lot of materials. This is our common ventilation project.


  4、 Practicability: this should be a very important point, but also a point that customers pursue. Only by achieving the effect of the project, can customers recognize our products.


  Since the advent of ventilation pipeline, it has swept the whole market with a very rapid attitude. This is not only because of the outstanding features of its own functions, but also because its low price is very suitable for promotion and popularization, so it is very popular with many manufacturers.


  The above is a detailed introduction to the qualification standard 


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